Sunday, March 25, 2012


Last night was an unfortunately eventful. At some point of the night a mouse ate through my food bag. It was hanging  in between 2 tree at aroung 20-25 feet, I'll give that to the mouse, good job. I also apparently slept thru helicopters, artilary ad machine gun fire as the army rangers were conducting training exercises near Good Mountain shelter. After hearing reports of tournadoes tonight we decided to push thru a 15 mile day all the way to Neels Gap, over Blood Mountain and past Woods Hole shelter. Lots of ups and owns today. First rain while hiking today. Made it to Neel's Gap around 5pm, got my mail drop and started re-covering my food bag when Aaron K, Ryan and I decided to get a cabin at "Blood Mountain cabins" the same place as Kelly, (firefighter), he and his (cute) daughters offered us a ride to "town" which consisted of an Ingles and a Dairy Queen, where we decided the most necessary supply was a 12 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon!! Got back to the cabin and did laundry and hung out with Kelly & Co. for now while watching the weather about the 74 tornadoes that touched down and the 9+ dead from them. I got a new food bag, and the cabin will only cost $20.00 each, pretty damn good for how nice it is. Shitty weaher all day and night.

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