Friday, March 30, 2012


Pi day! but no pie for me. Instead we did our second 15.2 mile day. It was a long day, we used most of the daylight. Finally pulled into the shelter around 6:30. There was a section called "Jacobs Ladder" and it was a climb straight up the side of the mountain with no switchbacks, it really slowed me down but I was still flying compared to Victor and Achiles. My feet hurt a lot after today, and my appetite is negligible. I forced one pot of food own for dinner but I'm really just too worn out to eat. Not tired neccessarily, just achey. We were expecting to find City and Andy at this shelter but at their pace I'm sure they pushed on the 6.6 miles more to Fontana Dam where I'll be headed tomorrow.I'm looking forward to a short day tomorrow. We just did some planing for the Smokey Mountains. Trying to decide what shelters to stay at and whatnot. But, the best laid plans of mice and man often go awry.
I'm currently laying in the Bable Gap shelter listening to an owl coo, hoping that it will scare the mice into submission tonight. They were all over the shelter last night. A second owl just started in on the conversation, tried to record it but it did'nt work so well. They got pretty close.
While we were sitting having lunch earlier rusty, the dog, from last night showed up so we waited around for his owner, Titanium, to show up. Its been a long day but still feels good to be out here.

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